Hiking Suggestion for advanced Hikers
- At May 01, 2013
- By swilli
- In News @en
This hike to the summit around Gais is slightly demanding. However, your efforts will be rewarded by the magnificent view of the Alpstein and the typical Appenzeller hilly landscape.
Detailed information incl. printable hiking map…
Shortly after the starting point in Gais (known for its whey-based spa treatments and winner of the 1977 Wakker Prize) by the station, the trail makes its way out of the village and takes its first ascent. This ascent ends at the foot of the Gäbris chain of hills and the trail continues leisurely down to Bühler, over meadows and through woodland. This is followed by the next ascent on the chain of hills between Bühler and Trogen. The highest point is reached at ‘Höchi Bueche’. Here you can enjoy a magnificent view towards St Gallen and Lake Constance. The next section of the trail is part of the weather-hiking path designed by the meteorologist Jörg Kachelmann. Hikers can learn exciting facts about weather and climate from various plaques along the way. On the Gäbris, you no longer look out over Lake Constance; the Alpstein now lies at your feet. Now that half of the trail has been completed, you have certainly earned a refreshment break in a restaurant or idyllic barbecue area.
Shortly after the Gäbris you reach Gäbrisseeli, a moor lake. The trail continues through a small moor landscape and then ascends gently to climb the summit of the Sommersberg. Following an ascent, you reach the Stoss pass. There is a monument here commemorating the battle on the Stoos between the Appenzellers and the Habsburgers in 1405. The trail then takes you back to Gais through the valley.